About Us

Meet the Minds Behind UIXANO: Passion, Pixels, and Perfection

At UIXANO, we believe the visual landscape deserves to be a playground of both beauty and brilliance. That's why we, Sanjay Chandagani and Mohan Kumar, have dedicated our energies to crafting visual experiences that not only captivate your eyes but also elevate your brand.

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The image featured at the top of the about us page #1
The image featured at the top of the about us page #1
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The image featured at the top of the about us page #2
The image featured at the top of the about us page #2

Sanjay Chandagani

The UX maestro, Sanjay breathes life into digital spaces. His eye for detail and deep understanding of user behavior have transformed platforms for Caarya, Nikshala, T-Hub, and even the vibrant world of Github communities. With each click and scroll, Sanjay ensures your users navigate seamlessly, their experience enriched by his meticulous designs.

The image featured in the middle of the about us page

Mohan kumar

The branding alchemist, Mohan weaves visual magic that tells your story without a single word. From Nikshala's sophisticated identity to the captivating world of Ember Sky, Mohan's artistry puts the spotlight on your essence, crafting a distinct visual language that resonates with your audience.

The image featured at the bottom of the about us page


Services are designed with simplicity and effectiveness in mind. We offer a comprehensive range of solutions tailored to meet your design needs.

But UIXANO is more than just the sum of our individual talents. It's a collaborative canvas where our passion for pixels intertwines, where Sanjay's user-centric approach dances with Mohan's visual storytelling. Together, we bring your vision to life, pixel by pixel, ensuring your brand not only looks stunning but also speaks volumes to your audience.

So, when you entrust your visual landscape to UIXANO, you're not just getting two designers; you're getting a dedicated team fueled by a shared passion for making the digital world a feast for the eyes and a joy to navigate.

Services are designed with simplicity and effectiveness in mind. We offer a comprehensive range of solutions tailored to meet your design needs.

But UIXANO is more than just the sum of our individual talents. It's a collaborative canvas where our passion for pixels intertwines, where Sanjay's user-centric approach dances with Mohan's visual storytelling. Together, we bring your vision to life, pixel by pixel, ensuring your brand not only looks stunning but also speaks volumes to your audience.

So, when you entrust your visual landscape to UIXANO, you're not just getting two designers; you're getting a dedicated team fueled by a shared passion for making the digital world a feast for the eyes and a joy to navigate.

Designing Success

See how we've turned ideas into reality. Dive into the stories of successful product designs that make a difference.

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© UIXANO | All Rights Reserved

© UIXANO | All Rights Reserved